Starting January 16, 2017, UCC will welcome students to an intensive and enjoyable ESL course intended to improve the non-native speaker’s language skills for both formal and informal situations. It’s ideal for students preparing for tertiary studies or those who simply need to improve their English for personal and professional reasons. ESL students will be treated to the best in “Yaady” hospitality while participating in an intensive 3-week, 9-week or 3-month programme to learn English. It won’t be all work, however, as the ESL programme is designed to inject some fun in-between study sessions. There are a number of exciting activities to choose from – all part and parcel of the UCC ESL programme. Some of these activities include:

  • Hiking – Take a trek through Jamaica’s mountainous regions.
  • Water Sports – Swim with the dolphins, snorkel, scuba dive or go deep-sea fishing.
  • Food festivals – Tickle your taste-buds with savory, authentic Jamaican cuisine.
  • Music festivals – These are known as the “sounds of Jamaica.” Rock to the earthy beats of rock steady and reggae music.
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