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Registration Form - Professional On-Demand Diploma, Proctored Exam


Note: Students must be resident of Jamaica. Payments for exam fees are accepted at any Jamaica National location payable to the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Payments can be made in full or in part. Retain and submit deposit slip/s showing full payment amount to UCC Corporate Education Division via email corporate_edu@ucc.edu.jm or at any UCC campus. On receipt of all documents, you will be contacted by a Programme Coordinator.

To register for one or more Diploma course exam/s proctored by the UCC, complete all sections below:

  1. Select Online On-Demand Diploma programme
  2. Select preferred campus location
  3. Select course exam/s for which you are registering
Select course exam/s for which you are registering
Select course exam/s for which you are registering