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Professor Bernadette Warner is the inaugural Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC). She is responsible and accountable for continuous monitoring and evaluation across all the University’s administrative and academic units and inclusive institutional research to support strategic and operational planning, as well as benchmarking-based quality assurance and enhancement. There is greater emphasis on institutional research as well as monitoring and evaluation of key University functions, including financial, enrolment management, facility use, teaching and learning, research infrastructure, and quality assurance at the institutional level. The Vice President has been working with stakeholders to identify priorities with the goal of improving programme efficiency and effectiveness throughout the University, as well as with leadership to identify the University’s strategic needs.

The Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness encourages the use of evaluated outcomes for the development of solutions to identified performance management gaps, driven by institutional research, using mechanisms such as the monthly meetings of the Institutional Effectiveness Council, which she leads. In the course of identifying performance management gaps and facilitating identified solutions, she works with all unit heads for capacity building and continuous institutional improvement.  

The IE Vice President plays a major role in the provision of institutional accreditation reports, including successive Self-Studies, to the University Council of Jamaica, and she is also responsible for UCC’s licensing by the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission. Professor Warner works with the Statistician/Data Base Manager, and the Institutional Effectiveness Research Assistant, to ensure the development, maintenance, and interpretation of unit-level performance management dashboards, as well as with the Quality Assurance Manager, to ensure the effectiveness of the institution’s quality assurance and enhancement core, and progress towards the creation of a culture of quality and enhancement.
