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UCC, SportsMax Partnership Affords Athletes Access to Higher Education


A Contra-Partnership Agreement signed by the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) and SportsMax Limited (SMAX), the Caribbean leading Sports Content, distributor, broadcaster and production house will see the latter’s staff and young athletes through its content partnerships, benefiting from programmes and scholarships through the UCC.

Signed on March 15, 2023, by UCC President Dr Haldane Davies and Nicolas Matthews, CEO of SMAX, the Agreement will result in the UCC delivering a range of certificate, undergraduate, graduate and post graduate degrees to eligible SMAX nominees in exchange for advertising opportunities on SMAX which provides advertisement, production and broadcast services and cable facilities across the Caribbean and in the Diaspora.

Dr Haldane Davies, President of the UCC hailed the partnership as “another example of the university’s commitment to providing opportunities for access to higher education for as many persons as possible, in many walks of life.”

“The UCC understands the value and impact of education and the contribution it makes to economic development. We are particularly excited by the prospect of helping to mold the minds of young athletes. Sports is such a powerful development tool for the Caribbean and we are proud to strengthen the foundation for these young men and women who may represent our countries, whether in sports or other disciplines”, Dr Davies said.

Pointing to the wide range of degrees offered at the UCC Dr Davies said “studying with us gives our students the UCC Advantage as they have the opportunity to choose academic subjects or a path to innovation and entrepreneurship. Most importantly, they leave the UCC ready to perform in their chosen field.”

Speaking on behalf of SMAX, Mr Matthews said that “SportsMax is  extremely elated to enter into this partnership with the UCC. We believe in the holistic development of individuals and this Agreement will support the development of our young athletes and our team members. This partnership of two major Caribbean brands is a Winner! ”.

Mr Matthews said further, that in making their own contribution to regional development SMAX looks for synergies with partners who wish to grow their footprint regionally, as well. “UCC is a Great Brand, which has turned out so many leaders. We do both school and adult sports and we are committed to pouring back into individuals so that they may excel at all levels,” he expanded.

Under the Contra-Partnership Agreement with the UCC ,SMAX will propose eligible students for their scholarships beginning this year.

Date Published: March 16, 2023
