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Dr Denzil Douglas gives UCC Group an 'Earned Distinction'

The UCC Group of companies has earned the highest distinctions in academia and business in the estimation of Dr. Denzil Douglas, longest serving Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis (1995-2015), current Leader of the Opposition of the twin-Island Caribbean nation.

A Board Member of UCC Global, an online education division of UCC, Dr Douglas said that he was “very thankful for the opportunity to serve this growing organization which has identified and is providing valuable support in so many critical areas, to Jamaica and the region and has earned a distinction both for achievements in academia and in corporate enterprise.”

From left: Director of Innovations, Michael Gordon; Acting Principal Director of UCC Academy, Everton Pryce; UCC Global Associate Registrar, Marlene Roach; Director of Recruitment and Enrollment, Andrea Wray; Chief Financial Officer, Jenifer Walker-Brown; UCC Acting Registrar, Andrea Wanliss-Laing; Former Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis Dr Denzil Douglas; Deputy Group Executive Chairman, Geraldine Adams; Group Executive Chairman, Dr Winston Adams and CEO/COO of RE/MAX Elite & UCC REID, Nancy Sears

Addressing a meeting of University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) Executive’s, Chaired by Founder and Group Executive Chairman, Dr Winston Adams and Group Deputy Executive Chair, Mrs Geraldine Adams, at UCC Headquarters in Kingston recently, Dr Douglas said that “due to the Covid-19 pandemic, opportunities for learning have become more and more difficult for our people and so it is important that we give them a chance despite the financial challenges in their paths. It is truly commendable that UCC has been able to expand the offering of virtual programmes and increased registration, despite the pandemic”.

Referencing a recent trip to Dubai where he saw “many opportunities presented to people to advance themselves with a number of institutions from around the world collaborating with Caribbean counterparts to offer academic programmes, Dr Douglas said “UCC Global is also expanding our reach around the world, helping persons to pursue their goals and aspirations”

The UCC Group, Dr Douglas said, should be especially commended for its contributions in real estate development through UCC Real Estate Investment and Development Co. (UCC REID), not just in Jamaica but the Caribbean region.

“My passion at the moment is to assist more people to attain affordable housing solutions and in St Kitts and Nevis, we are partnering with UCC REID to launch a housing development. We have a shortage of developers but lots of land to build houses for middle and low-income owners and we are excited to be exploring that opportunity with UCC REID”, Dr Douglas declared.

Dr Winston Adams pointed to the linkages being established by UCC REID and the UCC Group’s latest acquisition RE/MAX Elite, with the UCC community and beyond.

He explained that “the integration model being pursued is hinged on the aspiration of every Jamaican to own their own home. We make it accessible for example for our students, who are with us for an average of up to 4 years, to not only earn a degree but an opportunity to access financing to acquire their own home”

“With UCC REID developing residential and commercial property, complemented by RE/MAX Elite identifying, providing and supporting the purchasing of property, the UCC Group is doing all it can to make an invaluable contribution to property ownership for our people”, Dr Adams declared.

Date Published: March 24, 2022
