Aeorion SMS


Course: Business Ethics

Course Code: ETH600
Credit hours: 3

A course in business ethics is an important part of management education since:

  • Ethical concerns are inherent in situations faced by managers at all levels of business organisations, and
  • Ethical awareness and sound ethical judgment are essential for individual success and organisational effectiveness.

If taken, students would greatly benefit from the introduction of basic ethical concepts, principles, and examples to enhance understanding and the ability to apply ethical principles in solving moral dilemmas that are occurring now at every professional level.

This course recognises that business is conducted by economic organisations in a highly competitive market environment. In addition, managers often make decisions under severe time pressure without sufficient information. Ethical decision making in business cannot be considered apart from the complexity and uncertainty of actual situations. Therefore, the focus of the course is on ethical questions from the point of view of the practising manager, with the aim of making ethical decisions that are consistent with effective corporate management.

The purpose of this course is to communicate theoretical and practical insights and developments in the fields of business ethics and sustainable business. It is a practical course on the principles, practices, and ethical concerns/challenges that organisations face in their daily operations. The course is designed for students to become acquainted with the theoretical basis of business ethics: stakeholder-theory, theories of responsibility and normative ethical theory, and intercultural ethics.

Note: This course is available only through a programme of study.
