Course: Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
Course Code: MGHR6005
Credit Hours: 3
Organisations need to demonstrate an applied understanding of industrial relations and labour laws, in order to operate effectively. This understanding enables the avoidance of legal and ethical conflicts with employees, while ensuring their fair treatment, as they produce and provide goods and services. This course will provide a framework for critical understanding of all relevant aspects of industrial relations and labour laws. It also enables participants to develop the skills and competencies necessary to perform efficiently in this area. Students will engage with the theory and practice of Industrial Relations and Labour Laws in Jamaica, regionally and internationally. Members of the class will examine the roles of the main actors, together with the processes and mechanisms that are integral to ensuring required industrial relations and labour law practices. Other themes, concepts and values that will be explored include:
- Fairness and equity
- Power and authority
- Individualism and collectivism
- Rights and responsibilities
- Integrity and trust
Students will examine varying contractual arrangements, and the legal implications arising from breaches of these arrangements. The course exposes students to Jamaican precedent-setting cases in the practice of Industrial Relations and Labour Laws.