IMPORTANT ADVISORY: Registration for Summer 2024 - Bachelors
Dear Students,
The Academic and Student Affairs Unit has implemented a new standard operating procedure (SOP) whereby students are now required to submit their Course Registration Form (CRF) using their campus or program-specific Student Registration Request Form (SRRF). We are currently in the Early Registration period, March 24 - April 19, 2024, you are encouraged to seek academic advice early. Seeking academic advice early does NOT require you to pay for the courses immediately. Connect with your Academic Advisor to discuss your course selections and your roadmap (Curriculum Map) to complete your degree.
Course Selection & Academic Advisement
In seeking academic advisement, kindly complete the appropriate Student Registration Request Form (SRRF) by clicking the link that is applicable to your campus/program.
If your primary campus is reflected below, and your programme of study is in the School of Business, Entrepreneurship & Management, please use the Campus specific link below:
1. Regional Campus - Mandeville Student Registration Request Form
2. Regional Campus - May Pen Student Registration Request Form
3. Regional Campus - Montego Bay Student Registration Request Form
4. Regional Campus - Ocho Rios Student Registration Request Form
If your primary campus is not reflected above, please use the Programme specific link below:
1. B.A. in Journalism Student Registration Request Form
3. B.Sc. in Bus Admin (Years 3 & 4) & ISM Majors Student Registration Request Form
4. B.Sc. in Business Administration (Years 1 & 2) Student Registration Request Form
8. BSc. Applied Psychology, Criminology, & Social Work Student Registration Request Form
10. BSc. Tourism & Hospitality Management Student Registration Request Form
Academic advising presents an opportunity for a one-on-one relationship between you and your Academic Advisor. Effective academic advice can positively impact your academic success. As a University of the Commonwealth Caribbean student, you should feel confident that you have access to Academic Advisors to discuss your academic and career plans. You should also have confidence in the knowledge and expertise of your Academic Advisors in providing accurate guidance in the design of an academic program and selection of specific courses. Academic advice allows Academic Advisors the opportunity to play a key role in monitoring your academic progress and encouraging good academic performance.
It is very helpful to regularly meet with your Academic Advisor to ensure you are on track for graduation. Kindly use the Student Help Desk Directory to identify your Academic Advisor and make contact with him/ her in order to successfully complete your campus or program-specific Student Registration Request Form.
Wishing you a successful academic experience.