Aeorion SMS

Registration Closes Sep 15, 2023: Intercollegiate Sports Registration Form - Training Starts Soon

Date Published: 
September 12, 2023

Dear Students, 

The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean, as a prospective member of the Jamaica Inter-Collegiate Association (INTERCOL), intends to participate in their annual competitions. INTERCOL organizes and executes the operation of nine sports, Basketball, Cricket, Table Tennis, Badminton, Football, Hockey, Netball, Volleyball, and Track & Field. This year the University aims to identify a cadre of students to establish teams for each of these events. 

To play INTERCOL, a student has to meet the following requirements:

  • Must be registered student for Fall 2023
  • Maintain a G.P.A of 2.5 or more

Be a part of one of our most intriguing pastimes on campus. This is a very important way to get involved on campus, it also serves as an excellent means to learn different sporting activities while getting or keeping fit.

Even if you are off-field you can help us to forge an atmosphere that will push our INTERCOL teams to continue to make the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean proud through sports.

On September 5th, 2023, a student briefing was held to bring awareness of Intercollegiate Activities: 

Please see the recording here


Please complete this form by Friday September 15, 2023. 

